صورة المساق Arabic Language
Second Semester

تحتلُّ اللغة العربية مكانةً مرموقة بينَ لغات العالم، بل هي أشرفُ اللغات وأكثرها تميزًا، حَسبُها أنّها لغة القرآن الكريم ولغةُ أهل الجنة، وفيها من السحر والبيان ما لا يوجد في أي لغةٍ أخرى، وبالإضافة إلى جمالها وسحرها فإنها من أكثر اللغات انتشارًا في العالم، ويتحدّث بها عددٌ كبيرٌ من الناس في مختلف بقاع العالم وليس في الوطن العربي فقط، وتُعدّ اللغة العربية من أكثر اللغات غزارةً من حيث المادة اللغوية، كما أنها من اللغات الحية التي تضم مفرداتٍ كثيرة ومترادفاتٍ لا يوجد مثلُها في لغةٍ أخرى

صورة المساق Mathematics
Second Semester

This course covers topics of numbers and Sets, Representations of Functions with types and their Graphs. Calculus including limits and continuity, higher-order derivatives, curve sketching, differentials with applications of differentiation, derivatives, and applications of derivatives.

صورة المساق Electricity and Magnetism
Second Semester
The course aims to provide students with information and skills in static electricity and magnetism necessary for the undergraduate level. Potentially qualifying undergraduate studies in the physical sciences, building a strong background for those who will continue to study materials related to the applications of static electricity and magnetism.
صورة المساق English Language
Second Semester

English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is considered the language of science and technology. It is not just a language, but an essential tool for communication and interaction in scientific and academic fields. English is used in many academic activities, such as reading scientific articles, writing research papers, and communicating with colleagues and researchers from all over the world. In addition, it gives students access to rich knowledge and educational resources and opens the door for them to participate in international scientific conferences and workshops. Therefore, English language proficiency is critical to students' success in their fields of study and research.

صورة المساق Organic Chemistry
Second Semester

It is concerned with the interactions and materials involved in the formation of living organisms or resulting from a living organism, which is why it is called organic.  Organic chemistry is the science related to the existence of life on Earth and investigates the compounds associated with life and living organisms.

صورة المساق MATLAB
Second Semester

This course contains the following: Topics such as variables and data types, control flow structures, functions and scripts, data import/export, data analysis, plotting and visualization, numerical computations, algorithm development, simulations and modeling. These contents aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of MATLAB's capabilities, programming concepts, and practical application in various domains.