Course image Pediatric Nursing
Pediatric Health Nursing

The Course of the pediatric nursing are providing nursing students with the knowledge, skills and directions that necessary to maintain the health of children, in addition to giving safe and accurate nursing care to their family by applying the three levels of prevention and the nursing process.

Course image Biostatistic
Pediatric Health Nursing

This course is the branch of applied statistics and lays the foundation necessary for the understanding of basic statistical terms and concepts that statisticians play in promoting scientific discovery and wisdom. It is intended to provide the nursing student with an overview of the basic statistical concepts and statistical principles that help nurses understand and evaluate the results of healthcare studies.

Course image Human and Growth Development
Pediatric Health Nursing

General objectives / Goals

 1.     Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the developmental milestones and the factors affecting them.

2.     Apply knowledge and understanding of the age-related milestones and factors to support progress across areas of development.

3.     Analyze and evaluate information about a child in context of G&D

4.     Ability to interpret the impact of given factors on a child’s development.

5.     Be able to recommend an activity to support a child’s development in context with appropriate justification.

6.     Discuss nutritional requirements and concerns of the child

Discuss the nurse’s and family caregivers’ role related to the child age in different situation